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The surge in reported infections has mostly come from five states.
The rise comes as the government continues to lift restrictions to try to boost an economy that lost millions of jobs when the virus hit in March.
For the last seven days India’s caseload has galloped, adding more than 75,000 daily infections per day.
More than 60% of the active cases are coming from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state.
Cases have also begun spiking in the capital, Delhi, as well, with more than 3,200 infections recorded on Sunday, the city’s highest in more than two months.
An upsurge of Covid-19 in many rural areas has also led to an uptick in numbers.
The virus has struck a remote tribe in India’s Andamans islands, with 10 members of the Greater Andamanese testing positive over the past month.
The rise in cases is also partly a reflection of increased testing – the number of daily tests conducted across the country has risen to more than a million. (BCN/2020)
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